Франсис Жамм С дубовым посохом С дубовым посохом, в плаще, пропахшем сыром, Ты стадо кроткое овечек гонишь с миром, Зажав под мышкою небесно-синий зонт, Туда, где тянется туманный горизонт. Резвится пес, осел плетется, как во сне, Бидоны тусклые бряцают на спине. В селеньях небольших пройдешь пред кузнецами, Вернешься на гору, покрытую цветами, Где овцы разбрелись, как белые кусты. Там мачты кораблей встают из темноты, Там с лысой шеей гриф летает над горами И красные огни горят в ночном тумане. И там услышишь ты, в пространство обратясь, Над бесконечностью спокойный Божий глас.
Lydia Maria Child Thanksgiving Day Over the river, and through the wood, To grandfather’s house we go; The horse knows the way To carry the sleigh Through the white and drifted snow.
Over the river, and through the wood— Oh, how the wind does blow! It stings the toes And bites the nose As over the ground we go.
Over the river, and through the wood, To have a first-rate play. Hear the bells ring “Ting-a-ling-ding”, Hurrah for Thanksgiving Day!
Over the river, and through the wood Trot fast, my dapple-gray! Spring over the ground, Like a hunting-hound! For this is Thanksgiving Day.
Over the river, and through the wood, And straight through the barn-yard gate. We seem to go Extremely slow,— It is so hard to wait!
Over the river and through the wood— Now grandmother’s cap I spy! Hurrah for the fun! Is the pudding done? Hurrah for the pumpkin-pie!
Франсис Жамм Альманах Корзинку с яйцами оставив, в альманах Глядит ребенок; там предсказана погода, Святые названы, и знаки небосвода Исчислены: Овен, Телец, Лев, Рыбы, Рак...
Простушка бедная, перелистав картинки, Мечтает, что вверху, где звезды так блестят, Как на земле, внизу, есть праздничные рынки, Где продают овец, рыб, раков и ягнят.
И рынка божьего встает пред ней виденье... И думает она, увидев знак Весов, Что есть на небесах, как здесь у мясников, Весы, чтоб взвешивать соль, сыр и прегрешенья...
Eavan Boland Suburban Woman: a Detail Suddenly I am not certain of the way I came or the way I will return, only that something which may be nothing more than darkness has begun softening the definitions of my body, leaving
the fears and all the terrors of the flesh shifting the airs and forms of the autumn quiet crying remember us.
Paul Celan This year does not roar across, it throws back December, November, it turns up its wounds, it opens up to you, young grave- well, twelvemouth.
Зинаида Гиппиус Последнее Порой всему, как дети, люди рады И в легкости своей живут веселой. О, пусть они смеются! Нет отрады Смотреть во тьму души моей тяжелой.
Я не нарушу радости мгновенной, Я не открою им дверей сознанья, И ныне, в гордости моей смиренной, Даю обет великого молчанья.
В безмолвьи прохожу я мимо, мимо, Закрыв лицо,— в неузнанные дали, Куда ведут меня неумолимо Жестокие и смелые печали.
Theodore Stephanides Ghostly Ballad When the evening sun has set, Ocean-borne, the silhouette Of an island reaches high, Stabbing lance-like at the sky. And the clouds' candescent blood Stains the wave top in a flood Of reflected crimson light. Onward sweeps relentless night Till day's lingering colours, banished, Slowly, one by one, have vanished; And a gloom succeeds their mirth Over sea and sky and earth...
Then upon a darkened cape Softly glides a vaporous shape, And a maiden fair to see Stands in lonely misery. Pale she is as autumn mist By the rising sun unkissed, And her limbs transparent gleam As the flow of mountain stream. To the sea's encroaching tide Turns she with her arms flung wide, And her distant voice is heard Like the cry of ocean bird:
читать дальше"Loved one, many a weary year Did I stand in faith or fear On the brow of yonder cliff, Waiting for your homing skiff. Often, gazing through the gale, Foam- flakes took I for your sail, But, like foam upon the wave, Died my wasted hopes. My grave Loomed at last, a headstone white, On that seaward-jutting height Whence for all those endless years I had sought you through my tears. There upon that cliff I lay, Lingering night and livelong day, While the west-wind and the sea Whispered of eternity...
"Yestereve a storm arose And amid its frenzied throes, Breakers lashed with fiercer roar At their age-old foe, the shore. Quaked the cliff with every blow, Quaked the overhanging brow, Till along a widening rift Its whole margin, torn adrift, Crashed below into the wave, Bearing in its fall my grave. Now upon this wave-worn beach Which the deep-sea billows reach, Have my bleaching bones been cast — Loved one, come to me at last!"
Far away across the the main Soars a gleam to sink again, Borne amid the breaker's roar Ever nearer to the shore. Ever closer looms that light, Brightening against the night, And a distant voice is heard Like the cry of ocean bird:
"Loved one, on the wind-shaped tide Sped my skiff to gain your side; But upon a treacherous reef Came my fragile barque to grief. Deep down deep beneath the foam, All my thoughts to you did home, But I could not leave the wave Hemming me in deep=sea grave. There beneath the tide I lay, Lingering night and livelong day, While the west-wind and the sea Whispered of eternity...
"Ever were my dreams of you: Wondering if your love was true; Or if, lip to lip, your breast Other fingers had caressed. Ah, how often grew the brine Bitterer yet with tears of mine, Welling from my sockets blind When such visions held my mind! Year by year, the sand-banks shifted, Deep-sea currents churned and drifted, And my hollow bones they bore Ever nearer to the shore.
"Yestereve a storm arose And, amid its frenzied throes, Quaked the very seas with dread To their dark abysmal bed. Undertows, amid the shades, Rasped along the ocean glades, Raising clods of inky slime Dormant since the birth of time, Hustling in their shoreward sweep Torpid monsters of the deep, Crushing corallines and shells And Medusa's crystal bells!
"Mingled with the weeds and stones, Eddies swirled around my bones, And the ocean's mighty hand Urged them on towards the land. Ah, beloved, it is the day When our souls shall meet for aye, When for us relenting Fate Opens wide a long closed Gate. Loved one, see, upon the shingle Now our bones together mingle, For at last the cruel main Reunites us both again!" *** On a slanting surge reclining, Two clasped forms are seen entwining, And the breaker lifts them high As it towers to the sky. Then two star-flakes, silvery-white, Glide together through the night, Till they seem to blend afar — Brighter than the Evening Star.
(from "Autumn Gleanings: Corfu Memoirs and Poems")
Theodore Stephanides The Haunted Tarn Sighing reeds and moaning rushes Sway. The wind that wails and hushes Stirs the lakelet darkly gleaning Where a pale mist, upward streaming, Dims the moonbeams' light.
And a pale ghost skyward gazes, To each star her arms she raises; But the heavens, never caring, Unrelenting roll, unsparing, Till she sinks from sight.
Then, from out the water peering, Looms a visage dark and sneering; And a screech of cruel laughter, With the echoes jeering after, Screams across the night!
(from "Autumn Gleanings: Corfu Memoirs and Poems")
Marianne Boruch The First Layer of City Concerning the lost and so much of it, the Professor of Antiquities is on TV again—
Think about that.
I love the word oxymoron like I love the word hope loving him back such a long way.
The ancients then, via digital pulse. But never to know except with shovel, brush, magnifying glass. He dreams out the rest.
The rest is resting in dust. The rest too will
come out of deep down petrified wood or gold or bronze fierce, the spear end of it.
Not far, so many winged creatures sculpted out of flight to peer from a ledge, their grim human heads turned sideways, desert a distance, a horizon. Column after column holding up ago
what made it cool in there, made us all the first days of the world: lie down, close your eyes a moment, listen to the fountain.
The Professor of Antiquities looks into the camera as into what the Oracle saw and says you don’t destroy, you restore. All this time to recover words for beer, for how-much-you-owe-me, for gods and king, the body living or in death, what to do, what’s elegy and next marked on clay tablets with a stick.
First lost layer of city. Shock-seizure of flames larger than night after night some year B.C. burning back temple or palace until
safe all words, safe, slow-fired to stone in the lower chamber when everything, everything else—
Вячеслав Иванов Fio, ergo non sum Жизнь — истома и метанье, Жизнь — витанье Тени бедной Над плитой забытых рун; В глубине ночных лагун Отблеск бледный, Трепетанье Бликов белых, Струйных лун; Жизнь — полночное роптанье, Жизнь — шептанье Онемелых, чутких струн...
Погребенного восстанье Кто содеет Ясным зовом? Кто владеет Властным словом? Где я? где я? По себе я Возалкал! Я — на дне своих зеркал. Я — пред ликом чародея Ряд встающих двойников, Бег предлунных облаков.
H. D. Hermes of the Ways I The hard sand breaks, And the grains of it Are clear as wine.
Far off over the leagues of it, The wind, Playing on the wide shore, Piles little ridges, And the great waves Break over it.
But more than the many-foamed ways Of the sea, I know him Of the triple path-ways, Hermes, Who awaiteth.
Dubious, Facing three ways, Welcoming wayfarers, He whom the sea-orchard Shelters from the west, From the east Weathers sea-wind; Fronts the great dunes.
Wind rushes Over the dunes, And the coarse, salt-crusted grass Answers.
Heu, It whips round my ankles!
Small is This white stream, Flowing below ground From the poplar-shaded hill, But the water is sweet.
Apples on the small trees Are hard, Too small, Too late ripened By a desperate sun That struggles through sea-mist.
The boughs of the trees Are twisted By many bafflings; Twisted are The small-leafed boughs. But the shadow of them Is not the shadow of the mast head Nor of the torn sails.
Hermes, Hermes, The great sea foamed, Gnashed its teeth about me; But you have waited, Where sea-grass tangles with Shore-grass.
Давид Самойлов Бертольд Шварц (Монолог) Я, Шварц Бертольд, смиреннейший монах, Презрел людей за дьявольские нравы. Я изобрел пылинку, порох, прах, Ничтожный порошочек для забавы. Смеялась надо мной исподтишка Вся наша уважаемая братья: «Что может выдумать он, кроме порошка! Он порох выдумал! Нашел занятье!» Да, порох, прах, пылинку! Для шутих, Для фейерверков и для рассыпных Хвостов павлиньих. Вспыхивает – пых! – И роем, как с небесной наковальни, Слетают искры! О, как я люблю Искр воркованье, света ликованье!..
Но то, что создал я для любованья, На пагубу похитил сатана. Да, искры полетели с наковален, Взревели, как быки, кузнечные меха. И оказалось, что от смеха до греха, Не шаг – полшага, два вершка, вершок. А я – клянусь спасеньем, боже правый! – Я изобрел всего лишь для забавы Сей порох, прах, ничтожный порошок!
Я, Шварц Бертольд, смиреннейший монах, Вас спрашиваю, как мне жить на свете? Ведь я хотел, чтоб радовались дети. Но создал не на радость, а на страх! И порошочек мой в тугих стволах Обрел вдруг сатанинское дыханье... Я сотворил паденье крепостей, И смерть солдат, и храмов полыханье.
Моя рука – гляди! – обожжена, О, господи, тебе, тебе во славу... Занем дозволил ты, чтоб сатана Похитил порох, детскую забаву! Неужто все, чего в тиши ночей Пытливо достигает наше знанье, Есть разрушенье, а не созиданье. Чей умысел здесь? Злобный разум чей?
Tyler Mills House of Père Lacroix I thought I would write a novel about the window with its shadow set in the two-story house. Cézanne stands at the sunchoke hedge, alone and licking a brush among the tree’s traces of changing shade. The woman—I named her and almost saw her—could be flapping a pillowcase at the shutter as though fanning a fire that takes the frame by its walls. читать дальшеThen, inside, a web-stitch quilt pulls across a poster bed. The house would be preparing for wedding guests, Lacroix in the garden spading a strawberry plant to move the woolen roots. Did Cézanne have nothing to do with the people he kept within the roof?—a flat red slant marked by the slash of branches. There is a close mess of buttered brushstrokes. The house set back in dashes of leaves— a perplexing green—guards a shadow that could almost come to memory, the window empty.
Вячеслав Иванов De profundis Кто б ни был, мощный, ты, царь сил — Гиперион, Иль Митра, рдяный лев, иль ярый Иксион, На жадном колесе распятый, Иль с чашей Гелиос, иль с луком Аполлон, Иль Феникс на костре, иль в пламенях дракон, Свернувший звенья в клуб кольчатый, —
Иль всадник под щитом на пышущем коне, Иль кормщик верхних вод в сияющем челне, Иль ветхий днями царь, с востока, В лучах семи тиар, на жаркой четверне, Вращаешь ты, летя к лазурной крутизне, Огонь всевидящего ока, —
Иль, агнцу с крестною хоругвию, дано Тебе струить из ран эдемское вино, И льется Кана с выси Лобной, И копья в снежное вонзаются руно, Но зрак твой, пронизав мгновенное пятно, Слепя, встает из сени гробной, —
Кто б ни был ты, жених на пламенных пирах, — Есть некий бог во мне — так с Солнцем спорит прах Тебя лучистей и светлее, Воздушней, чем эфир, рассеянный в мирах, И снега белого на девственных горах Пречистой белизной белее!
В родной прозрачности торжественных небес, — Я жду — из-за моих редеющих завес Единосущней, соприродней, Чем ты, о зримый свет, источнику чудес Вожатый озарит блужданий темный лес: К нему я звал из преисподней.
Sir Edmund William Gosse (1849–1928) Lying in the Grass Between two golden tufts of summer grass, I see the world through hot air as through glass, And by my face sweet lights and colors pass.
Before me, dark against the fading sky, I watch three mowers mowing, as I lie: With brawny arms they sweep in harmony.
Brown English faces by the sun burnt red, Rich glowing color on bare throat and head, My heart would leap to watch them, were I dead!
And in my strong young living as I lie, I seem to move with them in harmony,— A fourth is mowing, and that fourth am I.
читать дальшеThe music of the scythes that glide and leap, The young men whistling as their great arms sweep, And all the perfume and sweet sense of sleep,
The weary butterflies that droop their wings, The dreamy nightingale that hardly sings, And all the lassitude of happy things,
Are mingling with the warm and pulsing blood That gushes through my veins a languid flood, And feeds my spirit as the sap a bud.
Behind the mowers, on the amber air, A dark-green beech wood rises, still and fair, A white path winding up it like a stair.
And see that girl, with pitcher on her head, And clean white apron on her gown of red,— Her even-song of love is but half-said:
She waits the youngest mower. Now he goes; Her cheeks are redder than a wild blush-rose: They climb up where the deepest shadows close.
But though they pass, and vanish, I am there. I watch his rough hands meet beneath her hair, Their broken speech sounds sweet to me like prayer.
Ah! now the rosy children come to play, And romp and struggle with the new-mown hay; Their clear high voices sound from far away.
They know so little why the world is sad, They dig themselves warm graves and yet are glad; Their muffled screams and laughter make me mad!
I long to go and play among them there; Unseen, like wind, to take them by the hair, And gently make their rosy cheeks more fair.
The happy children! full of frank surprise, And sudden whims and innocent ecstasies; What godhead sparkles from their liquid eyes!
No wonder round those urns of mingled clays That Tuscan potters fashioned in old days, And colored like the torrid earth ablaze,
We find the little gods and loves portrayed, Through ancient forests wandering undismayed, And fluting hymns of pleasure unafraid.
They knew, as I do now, what keen delight A strong man feels to watch the tender flight Of little children playing in his sight;
What pure sweet pleasure, and what sacred love, Come drifting down upon us from above, In watching how their limbs and features move.
I do not hunger for a well-stored mind; I only wish to live my life, and find My heart in unison with all mankind.
My life is like the single dewy star That trembles on the horizon’s primrose-bar,— A microcosm where all things living are.
And if, among the noiseless grasses, Death Should come behind and take away my breath, I should not rise as one who sorroweth;
For I should pass, but all the world would be Full of desire and young delight and glee, And why should men be sad through loss of me?
The light is flying; in the silver-blue The young moon shines from her bright window through: The mowers are all gone, and I go too.
Илья Эренбург Прости! Ты простил змее ее страшный яд! Ты простил земле ее чад и смрад! Ты простил того, кто Тебя бичевал! И того, кто Тебя целовал, Ты простил! За всё, что я совершил, И за всё, что свершить каждый миг я готов, За ветром взрытое пламя, За скуку грехов И за тайный восторг покаянья Прости меня, Господи!
Труден полдень, и страшен вечер. Длится бой. За страх мой, за страх человечий, За страх пред Тобой Прости меня, Господи!
Я лязг мечей различаю. Длится бой. Я кричу: «Победи!» Я кричу, но кому — не знаю. За то, что смерть еще впереди, — Прости, прости меня, Господи!