
Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären
Tage in weiß

In diesen Tagen steh ich auf mit den Birken
und kämm mir das Weizenhaar aus der Stirn
vor einem Spiegel aus Eis.

Mit meinem Atem vermengt,
flockt die Milch.
So früh schäumt sie leicht.
Und wo ich die Scheibe behauch, erscheint,
von einem kindlichen Finger gemalt,
wieder dein Name: Unschuld!
Nach so langer Zeit.

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
Days in White

These days I rise with the birches
and brush the corn hair from my brow
before a mirror of ice.

Blended with my breath,
milk is beaten.
This early it foams easily.
And where I fog the pane there appears,
traced by a child-like finger,
again your name: Innocence!
After all these years.

These days it doesn't pain me
that I can forget
or that I must remember.

I love. Incandescently
I love and give thanks with angelic prayers.
I learned them with ease.

These days I think of the albatross
with whom I swung
up and over
into an uncharted land.

On the horizon I can sense,
splendid in the sunset,
my marvelous continent
just over there, which will release me
wrapped in a shroud.

I live, and from afar, I hear its swan song!

transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё
В день очищения от грехов

Дунул свежий ветерок,
С плеском выскочила рыба…
Омовение в реке*

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

* Омовение в реке. — Древний обряд очищения от скверны путем омовения совершался в шестом месяце по лунному календарю, то есть в разгар лета.

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären

Vom Frost begattet die Gärten -
das Brot in den Öfen verbrannt -
der Kranz aus den Erntelegenden
ist Zunder in deiner Hand.

Verstumm! Verwahr deinen Bettel,
die Worte, von Tränen bestürzt,
unter dem Hügel aus Scherben,
der immer die Furchen schürzt.

Wenn alle Krüge zerspringen,
was bleibt von den Tränen im Krug?
Unten sind Spalten voll Feuer,
sind Flammenzungen am Zug.

Erschaffen werden noch Dämpfe
beim Wasser- und Feuerlaut.
O Aufgang der Wolken, der Worte,
dem Scherbenberg anvertraut.

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
Shard Mound

Frost bed down the gardens —
in the oven the bread is burning —
the garland of harvest legends
in your hand is a piece of kindling.

Hush! Hide your pleading words,
aghast with tears of sorrow,
beneath the mound of shards
that's always skirted the furrows.

When all the pitchers are smashed,
whats's left of the tears in the pitcher?
Below us are burning cracks,
and flaming tongues prevail there.

Steam will still be unfurled
in the hiss of water and fire.
O the ascent of clouds, of words,
entrusted to the shard mound's pyre!

transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё

Влюбленные коты
Умолкли. Смотрит в спальню
Туманная луна.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären
Erklär mir, Liebe

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
Tell Me, Love

Your hat tips slightly, greets, sways in the wind,
your uncovered head has touched the clouds,
your heart is busy elsewhere,
your mouth takes on new tongues,
the quack-grass is taking over,
summer blows asters to and fro,
blinded by tufts you lift your face,
you laugh and cry and fall to pieces,
what will become of you —

Tell me, love!

The peacock spreads its tail in festive wonder,
the dove lifts high its feathered collar,
bursting with coos, the air expands,
the drake cries, the whole land eats
wild honey, while in the tranquil park
each flower bed is edged with golden dust.

The fish blushes, overtakes the school
and plunges through grottoes into the coral bed.
To silver sand music the scorpion shyly dances.
The beetle scents his mate from afar;
if only I had his sense, I'd also feel
wings shimmering beneath their armored shells,
and I'd take the path to distant strawberry patches!

Tell me, love!

Water knows how to speak,
a wave takes a wave by the hand,
the grape swells in the vineyard, bursts and falls.
The guileless snail creeps out his house.

One stone knows how to soften another!

Tell me, love, what I cannot explain:
should I spend this brief, dreadful time
only with thoughts circulating and alone,
knowing no love and giving no love?
Must one think? Will he be missed?

You say: another spirit is relying on him...
Tell me nothing. I watch the salamander
slip through every fire.
No dread haunts him, and he feels no pain.

transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё

Только одни стихи!
Вот все, что в «Приют банановый»
Поэту весна принесла.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären
Die blaue Stunde

Der alte Mann sagt : mein Engel, wie du willst,
wenn du nur den offenen Abend stillst
und an meinem Arm eine Weile gehst,
den Wahlspruch verlorener Linden verstehst,
die Lampen, gedunsen, betreten im Blau,
letzte Gesichter! Nur deins glänzt genau.
Tot die Bücher, entspannt die Pole der Welt,
was die dunkle Flut noch zusammenhält,
die Spange in deinem Haar scheidet aus.
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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
The Blue Hour

The old man says: my angel, as you will,
if only you nursed the empty evening so still,
when, with you upon my arm, together we go,
sharing the linden's secret, which only you know,
and streetlamps bloating, embarrassed in the blue,
the day's last faces! while only yours shines through.
The books shut, dead, the world free of its axis,
what holds the flood of dark in place still is
your hair's bright comb, till it as well falls out.
Without delay then, a draft puffs through my house,
a moon's low whistle — then on open tracks the churn
into love that, dragged from memory, at last returns.

The young man asks: you'll always love me most of all?
Swear it by the shadows upon my bedroom wall,
and should the linden's whisper be dark and true,
recite it with blossoms, and let your hair loose —
its pulse of night that so badly wants to spill!
Then a signal from the moon and the wind falls still.
In evening's blue light, the lamps seem intimate,
till space breaks through, its hours indeterminate,
as with soft nibbling lips your own mouth turns
to seek my own, until with pain you learn:
what wins the world is still a living word,
one played and already lost, before love is stirred.

The girl is silent until the spindle spins.
Coins* fall from the sky. The time of roses ends.
You men, just pass the sword into my hand
and Joan of Arc will save the fatherland.
People, we'll sail the ship through icy floes,
for I know the course to take that no one knows.

Buy anemones! Three wishes to a bundle;
with every wish you breathe, they close each petal.
As from the circus tent's trapeze I swoop,
I spring clear through the world's own flaming hoop,
surrendering myself to the hands of my partner,
who gives me, like a gentleman, the evening star.

transl. by Peter Filkins

* Sterntaler - is a little girl in a Grimm fairy tale by the same name. Having given away her bread, shoes, and dress to others more needy, she becomes rich when she collects the stars falling out of the sky in her slip. "Sterntaler" is also the name of 19-th century German coin.

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё
Из путевого дневника "Кости, белеющие в поле"

Весеннее утро.
Над каждым холмом безымянным
Прозрачная дымка.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären

Nacht aus Schlüsselblumen
und verwunschnem Klee,
feuchte mir die Füße,
daß ich leichter geh.

Der Vampir im Rücken
übt den Kinderschritt,
und ich hör ihn atmen,
wenn er kreuzweis tritt.

Folgt er mir schon lange?
Hab ich wen gekränkt?
Was mich retten könnte,
ist noch nicht verschenkt.

Wo die Halme zelten
um den Felsenspund,
bricht es aus der Quelle
altem, klarem Mund:

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
The Way Home

In the night of cowslip,
and bewitching clover,
I moisten my feet
so my step is lighter.

The vampire behind me
mimics my own stride,
and I hear him breathe
whenever he steps aside.

How long has he followed?
Have I offended someone?
A means for being rescued
has not yet been given.

Where the grasses ring
the edge of the rocky pool,
there rises from the spring
a voice ancient and cool:

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transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё

С четырех сторон
Вишен лепестки летят
В озеро Нио́.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären
Curriculum Vitae

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
Curriculum Vitae

Long is the night,
long for the man
who cannot die, long
the feel of his shifting naked eye
under streetlamps, and his eye
blind drunk
on schnapps, and the smell
of moist flesh under his nails
is the briefest of drugs, oh God,
long is the night.

My hair will not turn white
for I crawled out of the womb of machines,
Rose Red smeared tar on my forehead
and hair, someone had strangled
her snow-white sister, But I,
the Indian chief, marched through the city
of ten hundred thousand souls, and my foot
lowered into the scurrying soul-centipedes
a leather sky, from which ten hundred thousand
pipes of piece hung cold. Often I've wished
for the quiet of angels
and hunting grounds filled
with the powerless cries
of my friends

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transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё
Из путевого дневника «Письма странствующего поэта»*
Посещаю город На́ра**

В день рождения Будды
Он родился на свет,
Маленький олененок.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

* В оригинале этот дневник носит название «Ои-но кобуми», то есть письма из ои — небольшой сумы, которую буддийские монахи носили на шее. В ней хранились священные изображения и дорожные принадлежности.

** В городе Нара, где до сих пор бродят на свободе стада оленей, торжественно празднуется день рождения основателя буддийской религии Шакья-Муни (8 апреля).

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear

Into pasture land I came
just after night had fallen,
smelling the scars in the meadows
and the wind before it rose.
Love no longer grazed,
the bells had faded away
and the sheaves stood bent and ragged.

A horn had been stuck in the earth
stubbornly by the herd's leader,
rammed into the darkness.

I drew it from the earth,
I lifted it to the sky
with all my might.

Wanting to fill this land
completely with music,
I blew the horn,
resolved in the rising wind
to live among the swaying grasses
of every true origin!

transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё

Аиста гнездо на ветру.
А под ним — за пределами бури —
Вишен спокойный цвет.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären
Mein Vogel

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
My bird

Whatever happens: the devastated world
sinks back into twilight,
the forest holds its night potion ready,
and from the tower, which the sentry deserted,
the owl's gaze downward, steady and calm.

Whatever happens: you know your time,
my bird, you take your veil
and fly through the fog to me.

We peer through smoke which the riffraff inhabit.
You obey my sign, fly off
and whirl your plumage and down.

My hoary gray shoulder-mate, my weapon,
bedecked with a feather, my only weapon!
My only adornment: veil and feather from you.

Although the fir's dance of needles
singes my skin
and the hip-high bush
tempts me with fragrant leaves,
when my curls leap up,
sway and long for dampness,
stardust still tumbles
directly onto my hair.

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transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, youtube, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё
Смотрю в окно после болезни

Храма Каннон там, вдалеке,
Черепичная кровля алеет
В облаках вишневых цветов.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Anrufung des großen Bären
Anrufung des großen Bären

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Invocation of the Great Bear
Invocation of the Great Bear

Great Bear, shaggy night, come down.
Cloud-furred one with old eyes,
starry eyes,
glimmering you break through the brush
on your pads with claws,
starry claws,
while watchful we tend the flocks,
spellbound, mistrusting
your weary flanks and sharp
half-exposed teeth,
old Bear.

Your world: a fir cone.
You: the fir cone's scales.
I nudge them, roll them
from the fir in the beginning
to the fir in the end,
sniff them, give them a lick or two,
and bat them about with my paws.

Afraid or no afraid,
pay into the basket and give
the blind man a good word
so that he keeps the Bear on a leash.
And season the lambs well.

For it just might be that this Bear
will break loose, threaten no more,
and hunt all cones, those fallen
from firs, the great, the wingEd,
those that from Paradise plunged.

transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё
Из путевого дневника "Кости, белеющие в поле"
Посещаю отшельника

Стоит величаво,
Не замечая вишневых цветов,
Дуб одинокий.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Salz und Brot

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Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Salt and bread

Now the wind sends its rails ahead;
we will follow in slow trains
and inhabit these islands,
trust beside trust.

Into the hand of my oldest friend
I place the key to my post; the rain man will now manage
my darkened house and lengthen
the lines of the ledger which I drew up
since I stayed less often.

You, in fever-white vestments,
gather the exiled and tear
from the flesh of cactus a thorn
— symbol of impotence
to which we meekly bow.

We know
that we'll remain the continent's captives,
and again we'll succumb to its troubled ills,
and the tides of truth
will arrive less often.

For sleeping yet in the cliff
is the barely lit skull,
the claw hangs in the claw
in the dark stone, and the stigmata
are healed in the violet of the volcano.

of the great storms of light,
none has reached the living.

So, I gather the salt
when the sea overcomes us,
and turn back
and lay it on the threshold
and step into the house.

We share bread with the rain;
bread, a debt, and a house.

transl. by Peter Filkins

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё

Минула весенняя ночь.
Белый рассвет обернулся
Морем вишен в цвету.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo