
Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)

Always there would be stories of lights
hovering among bushes or at the foot
of a meadow; maybe a goat with cold horns
pluming into the moon; a tingle of chains

on the midnight road. And then maybe
word would come round of that watery
art, the lamping of fishes, and I’d be
mooning my flashlamp on the licked black pelt

of the stream, my left arm splayed to take
a heavy pour and run of the current
occluding the net. Was that the beam
buckling over an eddy or a gleam

of the fabulous? Steady the light
and come to your senses, they’re saying good-night.

@темы: 20, h, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish


Мариу де Са-Карнейру (1890-1916)

Как умру, ударят в жесть,
И под гулкие раскаты
Будут прыгать акробаты,
Клоуны из кожи лезть!

Я поеду на осле,
Убранном по-андалузски...
Гроб мой улочкою узкой
Будет ехать на осле!

пер. Ир. Фещенко-Скворцова

@темы: portuguese, 20, с (rus)


Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)
Maighdean Mara*

For Seán oh-Eocha
She sleeps now, her cold breasts
Dndled by undertow,
Her hair lifted and laid.
Undulant slow seawracks
Cast about shin and thigh,
Bangles of wort, drifting
Liens catch, dislodge gently.

This is the great first sleep
Of homecoming, eight
Land years between hearth and
Bed steeped and dishevelled.
Her magic garment al-
most ocean-tinctured still.

He stole her garment as
She combed her hair: follow
Was all that she could do.
He hid it in the eaves
And charmed her there, four walls,
Warm floor, man-love nightly
In earshot of the waves.

She suffered milk and birth —
She had no choice — conjured
Patterns of home and drained
The tidesong from her voice.
Then the thatcher came and stuck
Her garment in a stack.
Children carried tales back.

In night air, entering
Foam, she wrapped herself
With smoke-reeks from his thatch,
Straw-musts and films of mildew.
She dipped his secret there
Forever and uncharmed

Accents of fisher wives,
The dead hold of bedrooms,
Dread of the night and morrow,
Her children's brush and combs.
She sleeps now, her cold breasts
Dandled by undertow.

*Maighdean Mara In Irish: maighdean “maiden, virgin”) +‎ muir (“sea”) = selkie or mermaid

@темы: 20, h, celtic themes, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish, mythology


Mário de Sá-Carneiro

Caprichos de lilás, febres esguias.
Enlevos de ópio – Íris-abandono…
Saudades de luar, timbre de Outono,
Cristal de essências langues, fugidias…

O pajem débil das ternuras de cetim,
O friorento de carícias magoadas;
O príncipe das Ilhas transtornadas –
Senhor feudal das Torres de marfim…

Lisboa 1915 – fevereiro 14

Мариу де Са-Карнейру (1890-1916)

Сирени вздох, капризы лихорадки,
Заброшенности как опиума чара и чара...
И ностальгия лунного угара,
Кристалл осенний, чьи свеченья кратки…

Паж смутной тени на пустом погосте,
Озябший в темноте от горькой ласки;
Принц островов, где умирают сказки,
Владетель башни из слоновой кости…

пер. Ир. Фещенко-Скворцова

*Анту - псевдоним поэта Антониу Нобре

@темы: s, portuguese, n, н, 20, с (rus)


Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)

For beauty say, an ashfork staked in peat
the long grains gathering to the gouged split,
a seasoned unsleaved taker of the weather
where kesh and loaning finger out to heather.

* Nerthus - in Norse mythology goddess associated with fertility

@темы: 20, h, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish, mythology


Камилу Пессанья (1867-1926)

Был день бесполезной ностальгии.
Солнечный день, солнцем затоплен!
Сверкали, как лед, шпаги нагие...
Солнечный день, солнцем затоплен!

День радостей фальшивых, ромарии.
Георгин облетал с улыбкой усталой...
Домой гли толпы людьские.
Георгин облетал с улыбкой усталой...

День, что помнится дольше, чем другие.
Так блистал он... Бак блёкнул... Так блистал он!..
В нем рассеяны идеи блание...

Легкомысленнее день, чем другие!
В нем шуток менуэты мастерские...
Так блистал он... Бак блёкнул... Так блистал он!..

пер. Ир. Фещенко-Скворцова

@темы: portuguese, sonnet, 20, 19, п


Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)
The Tollund Man

Some day I will go to Aarhus
To see his peat-brown head,
The mild pods of his eye-lids,
His pointed skin cap.

In the flat country near by
Where they dug him out,
His last gruel of winter seeds
Caked in his stomach,

Naked except for
The cap, noose and girdle,
I will stand a long time.
Bridegroom to the goddess,

She tightened her torc on him
And opened her fen,
Those dark juices working
Him to a saint's kept body,

Trove of the turfcutters'
Honeycombed workings.
Now his stained face
Reposes at Aarhus.

читать дальше

@темы: 20, h, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish


Камилу Пессанья (1867-1926)
Путь 1

Суровых снов в душе моей не счесть.
Я смутный страх пердчувствую до срока -
Страх будущего, им томлюсь жестоко
И погружён в тоску о том, что есть.

В тоску по боли этой, без истока,
Что не прогонишь, точно злую весть,
Бледнея на закате, сердцу несть
Должна бы тень, но жгуче злое око!

Боль, дисгармония, вы в мире этом
И души полните безумным светом,
И с неба гоните ночную тьму.

Без боли этой сердце стоит мало,
Как если б солнце сразу угасало,
Ведь лишь рыданье жизнь дает ему.

пер. Ир. Фещенко-Скворцова

@темы: portuguese, 20, 19, п


Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)

Since the professional wars —
Corpse and carrion
Paling in rain —
The wolf has died out

In Ireland. The packs
Scoured parkland and moor
Till a Quaker buck and his dogs
Killed the last one

In some scraggy waste of Kildare.
The wolfhound was crossed
With inferior strains,
Forests coopered to wine casks.

Rain on the roof to-night
Sogs turf-banks and heather,
Sets glinting outcrops
Of basalt and granite,

Drips to the moss of bare boughs.
The old dens are soaking
The pads are lost or
Retrieved by small vermin

That glisten and scut.
Nothing is panting, lolling,
Vapouring. The tongue's
Leashed in my throat.

@темы: 20, h, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish


Мацуо Басё

Печалюсь, глядя на луну; печалюсь, думая о своей судьбе; печалюсь о том, что я такой неумелый! Но никто не спросит меня: отчего ты печален? И мне, одинокому, становится еще грустнее
Печалью свой дух просвети!
Пой тихую песню за чашкой похлебки.
О ты, "печальник луны"!

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)

Hide in the hollow trunk
of the willow tree,
its listening familiar,
until, as usual, they
cuckoo your name
across the fields.
You can hear them
draw the poles of stiles
as they approach
calling you out:
small mouth and ear
in a wooded cleft,
lobe and larynx
of the mossy places.

@темы: 20, h, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish


Мацуо Басё

Я выпил вина.
Но мне только хуже не спится…
Ночной снегопад.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)

My "place of clear water,"
the first hill in the world
where springs washed into
the shiny grass

and darkened cobbles
in the bed of the lane.
Anahorish, soft gradient
of consonant, vowel-meadow,

after-image of lamps
swung through the yards
on winter evenings.
With pails and barrows

those mound-dwellers
go waist-deep in mist
to break the light ice
at wells and dunghills.

@темы: 20, h, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish


Мацуо Басё

Первый снег под утро.
Он едва-едва пригнул
Листики нарцисса.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1963-1964
Strangers in The Night

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1963-1964
Strangers in The Night

In November, and again in December
I have to laugh, that was
quite a life for me.
The telephone has gone
quite pale, it rings in another way,
cigarettes have burned
my fingers,
and after that th cry
of the birds flying south.
We have spoken long distance,
and Jerusalem is always what
I thought of, which was mine.

How horrible
to scratch at my skin,
it is no longer possible
to hurt me deeply.
I talk and laugh and talk.
I can no longer be hurt deeply.

читать дальше

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё

Всю долгую ночь,
Казалось мне, стынет бамбук…
Утро встало в снегу.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Ingeborg Bachman

читать дальше

Ingeborg Bachman
The Collected Poems
Autumn Maneuver*

I don't say: ah, yesterday. With worthless
summer money pocketed, we lie again
on the chaff of scorn, in time's autumn maneuver.
And the escape southward isn't an option for us
as it is for the birds. Across the way, at evening,
trawlers and gondolas pass, and sometimes
a splinter of dream-filled marble pierces me
in the eye, where I am the most vulnerable to beauty.

In the papers I read about the cold
and its effects, about fools and dead men,
about refugees, murderers and myriads
of ice floes, but little that comforts me.
Why should it be otherwise? In the face of the beggar
Who comes at noon I slam the door, for we live in piecetime
and one can spare oneself such a sight, but not
the joyless dying of leaves in the rain.

Let's take a trip! Let's stroll under cypresses
or even under palms or in the orange groves
to see at reduced rates sunsets
that are beyond compare! Let's forget
the unanswered letters to yesterday!
Time works wonders. But if it arrives inconveniently
with the heart's cellar, sleepless, I find myself again
on the chaff of scorn, in time's autumn maneuver.

transl. by Peter Filkins

* Autumn Maneuver - In the postwar era, NATO troops stationed in Germany routinely conducted "autumn Maneuver" each year.

@темы: b, 20, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Мацуо Басё

Уж осени конец,
Но верит в будущие дни
Зеленый мандарин.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo


Seamus Heaney
Poems 1965-1975
Wintering Out (1972)
Bog Oak

A carter’s trophy
split for rafters,
a cobwebbed, black,
long-seasoned rib

under the first thatch.
I might tarry
with the moustached
dead, the creel-fillers,

or eavesdrop on
their hopeless wisdom
as a blow-down of smoke
struggles over the half-door

and the mizzling rain
blurs the far end
of the cart track.
The softening ruts

lead back to no
‘oak groves’, no
cutters of mistletoe
in the green clearings.

Perhaps I just make out
Edmund Spenser,
dreaming sunlight,
encroached upon by

geniuses who creep
‘out of every corner
of the woodes and glennes’
towards watercress and carrion.

@темы: 20, h, heaney, seamus, english-british-irish


Мацуо Басё

Чтоб холодный вихрь
Ароматом напоить, опять раскрылись
Поздней осенью цветы.

("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)

Пер. В. Маркова

@темы: б, japanese, 17, eastern, basho, matsuo