Ezra Pound Collected Shorter Poems (Faber and Faber, 1973) The Tree I stood still and was a tree amid the wood, Knowing the truth of things unseen before; Of Daphne and the laurel bow And that god-feasting couple old that grew elm-oak amid the wold. 'Twas not until the gods had been Kindly entreated, and been brought within Unto the hearth of their heart's home That they might do this wonder thing; Nathless I have been a tree amid the wood And many a new thing understood That was rank folly to my head before.
Ingeborg Bachmann The Collected Poems Poems 1945-1956 In Wartime The night is so deep around me, and lonely and full of dread. Trembling walls press at me and tears run from the bread.
It's so bitter cold in the house. No fire burns and there's no light anywhere. My breath smokes from my mouth and all hope turns to despair.
Everywhere the streets yawn wide and continue to call me. Yet full of sorrow, I'm so tired... The night is so deep around me.
Ingeborg Bachmann Anrufung des großen Bären Lieder auf der Flucht
Ingeborg Bachmann The Collected Poems Invocation of the Great Bear Songs in Flight Dura legge d’Amor, ma ben ché obliqua Servar conviensi, però ch’ella aggiunge, Di cielo in terra universale, antique.
Petrarch, I Trionfi*
I The palm branch breaks in snow that collapses the stairway's flight, the city lies stiff and gleaming in a strange winter light.
The children wail and climb their mountain of hunger, praying to the sky while they eat white flour.
Winter's wealth of tinsel in a mandarin's gold, the wind gusts wildly on, and the blood orange rolls.
II But I lie alone, wounds fill an abbatis of ice.
The snow upon me has not yet sealed my eyes..
The dead pressed against me are silent, no matter the tongue.
No one loves me, no lamp for me is hung.
III читать дальшеThe Sporades, the islands, patchwork in a sea so clear, cold, the streams that surround them, yet they bear the fruit that's here.
White rescuers, the ships, — O lonesome sailor's hand! — they point, before they sink, back towards the land.
IV Cold, as never before, has penetrated. Over the sea, commandos racing. Down to its last lights, the bay has surrendered. The city has fallen.
I am innocent and captive in conquered Naples, where winter silhouettes Posilipo and Vomero, where its white lightening cleans up among songs and sets its hoarse thunder in command.
I am innocent, and until Camaldoli stone pines nudge the clouds; without comfort, because the rain does not cleanse the palms;
without hope, because I shall not escape, even though the fish bristles its fins and the beach's winter mist blown warm from the waves protects and walls me in, even though the tide in fleeing draws away the next goal of those who flee.
V Away with snow from the city fragrant with spice! The scent of fruits must drift through the streets. Scatter the currents, bring the figs and the capers! Renew the summer, renew the cycle, birth, blood, filth and scum, death — sink into the welts, deepen the lines on faces mistrustful, lazy and old, covered with chalk and drenched in oil, sly from clever deals, immerse them in danger, the anger of the lava god, grant smoke to angels and the fire's cursed aura!
VI Educated in love by ten thousand books, made wise through the sharing of barely changed gestures and foolish oaths —
initiated into love but first knowing it here — when the lava spilled over and its breath reached us at the foot of the mountain, when finally the spent crater surrendered the key to these locked bodies —
We entered enchanted rooms and illuminated the dark with our fingertips.
VII Within, your eyes are windows to a land where in clarity I stand.
Within, your breast is a sea that draws me to its bed. Within, your hips are a quay that greets my ships returning from journeys too far from home.
Happiness weaves a silver chain to which I lie attached.
Within, your mouth is a downy nest for my fledgling, nascent tongue. Within, your veins contain a tranquillity and are filled with the gold that U wash with my tears, and that one day will outweigh me.
Receiving your title, your arms embrace goods that you are the first to be granted.
Within, your feet never wander, but are already in my velvet land. Within, your bones are bright flutes on which I can conjure the tunes that would even charm death...
VIII ... the earth, sea and sky. Dug into with kisses, the earth, the sea and the sky. Gripped by my words, the earth, still clung to by my last word, the sea and the sky!
Afflicted with my sounds, this earth that, sobbing in my teeth, put down anchor with all its furnaces, towers and proud peaks,
this battered earth, which before me uncovered its ravines, its steppes, deserts and tundras,
this restless earth, with its quivering magnetic fields, which chained it here with its unknown chains of power,
this stunned and stunning earth grown thick with belladonna, leaden poisons and streams of fragrance —
sunk in the sea and risen in the sky the earth!
IX The black cat, oil on the floor, the evil glance:
Bad luck!
Pull out the coral horn,
hang the horns before the house! Darkness! No light!
[ O love, which broke open and flung away our shells, our shield, our shelters and the brown rust of years.
O sorrows, which stamped out our love, its damp fire felt in tender places! Filled with smoke, dying in smoke, the flame consumes itself.
XI Wanting summer lightning, you throw the knife, slicing through the air to the warmth of its veins;
blinding, as they spring up from open wounds, are the soundless last fireworks you see displayed:
madness, contempt, and then revenge, as remorse follows soon, then sharp disdain.
You realize that your sword is blunted, and finally you feel just how love ends:
with raging storms, with purest breath. It locks you up inside the dream dungeon.
Where love's golden hair id hanging down, the ladder to emptiness is what you'll be grasping.
A thousand and one nights high are the rungs. The very last step is the step into nothing.
And there where you crash exist the old places, and to each place you give three drops of blood.
Deranged, you cling to rootless curls. The bell rings out, and you've had enough.
XII Mouth, which slept in my mouth, Eye that guarded my own, Hand —
and those eyes that drilled through me! Mouth, which spoke the sentence, Hand, which executed me!
XIII The sun gives no warmth, voiceless is the sea. No one opens the graves packed in snow. Is it because no brazier is filled with glowing coals? Yet the glow does nothing.
Release me! I can no longer die.
The saint is busy elsewhere, he is concerned with the city and bread. The washline is heavy with cloth; soon it will fall. But it won't cover me.
I am guilty. Raise me up. I am guilty. Raise me up.
Loosen the silver of ice from the frozen eye, break through with glance, see the blue depths, swim, look and dive:
I am not the one. I am.
XIV Wait for my death, then hear me again. The snow basket tips and the water sings, all sounds flow into the Toledo, its surfae thaws, a melody melts the ice. O great thaw!
So much awaits you.
Syllables in oleander, words in acacian green, cascades from the wall.
The basins fill, turbulent and clear, with music.
XV** Love has its triumph and death has one, in time and the time beyond us. We have none.
Only the sinking of stars. Silence and reflection. Yet the song beyond the dust will overcome our own.
transl. by Peter Filkins
*The epigraph is from Petrarch's "Triumph of Love". Ernest Hatch Wilkins translates the passage as "Hard is the law of Love! But though unjust / One must obey it, for that law prevails / Thtoughout the universe, and lasts for aye" Luca Marenzio - Dura legge d'Amor читать дальше
** Holthusen observes the strong links between this section and Rilke's "Sonette an Orpheus", 1.19 (1, 2. Kurt Bartsch also observes a link between "Sinken um uns von Gestirnen" and Robert Musil's play "Die Schwaermer", which Bachmann helped adapt for the radio.
Timothy Thomas Fortune Edgar Allan Poe I know not why, but it is true—it may, In some way, be because he was a child Of the fierce sun where I first wept and smiled— I love the dark-browed Poe. His feverish day Was spent in dreams inspired, that him beguiled, When not along his path shone forth one ray Of light, of hope, to guide him on the way, That to earth’s cares he might be reconciled. Not one of all Columbia’s tuneful choir Has pitched his notes to such a matchless key As Poe—the wizard of the Orphic lyre! Not one has dreamed, has sung, such songs as he, Who, like an echo came, an echo went, Singing, back to his mother element.
Мацуо Басё Из путевого дневника «Письма странствующего поэта»* Солнце зимнего дня. Тень моя леденеет У коня на спине.
("По тропинкам севера: стихи из путевого дневника", 2017)
Пер. В. Маркова
*В оригинале этот дневник носит название «Ои-но кобуми», то есть письма из ои — небольшой сумы, которую буддийские монахи носили на шее. В ней хранились священные изображения и дорожные принадлежности.
Ingeborg Bachmann The Collected Poems Poems 1945-1956 Unappeasable In a wintery forest I circle the fruit of the south. How they will fall to me I do not know, they being unable, like I, to flee at all and thus to yearn.
My beak wanders frozen. My song is forgotten. I flee as outlaws flee, with an eye torn, over pebbles and stones. The claws of the ice in my feathers still make my mouth yearn for almonds and golden currants.
Death is my part. The polar moon shines palely in my dreams, and the bitter roots of the tundra long for me.
But I still am true to myself! I steel flee, burning with desire!
Isabel Galleymore Harvest For Frances After stripping the branches of berries the robin held a handful of seeds in her stomach: the robin carried a tree – in fact she secretly sowed a whole forest – a store of bows and arrows and shields. Years found the bird had planted a battle, her tiny body had borne the new king.
Men looked up to the skies and blessed or blamed the planets moving overhead. A blackbird, meanwhile, started to pick at the fruit both armies had left.
Ingeborg Bachmann Gedichte 1963-1964 Enigma So früh schon Abend, und so spät noch Morgen, immer dunkelts ins Zimmer herein, Schnee, Nebel als Grund, wievielter Winter schon?
Ingeborg Bachmann The Collected Poems Poems 1963-1964 Enigma Dark so early already, and the morning so late, always it seems to be dark in the room. Snow, fog the reason. How long will winter last?
Stevie Smith My Hat Mother said if I wore this hat I should be certain to get off with the right sort of chap Well, look where I am now, on a desert island With so far as I can see no one at hand I know what has happened though I suppose Mother wouldn’t see This hat being so strong has completely run away with me I had the feeling it was beginning to happen the moment I put it on What a moment that was as I rose up, I rose up like a flying swan As strong as a swan too, why see how far my hat has flown me away It took us a night to come and then a night and a day And all the time the swan wing in my hat waved beautifully Ah, I thought, How this hat becomes me. First the sea was dark but then it was pale blue And still the wing beat and we flew and we flew A night and a day and a night, and by the old right way Between the sun and the moon we flew until morning day. It is always early morning here on this peculiar island The green grass grows into the sea on the dipping land Am I glad I am here? Yes, well, I am, It’s nice to be rid of Father, Mother and the young man There’s just one thing causes me a twinge of pain, If I take my hat off, shall I find myself home again? So in this early morning land I always wear my hat Go home, you see, well I wouldn’t run a risk like that.
Флорбела Эшпанка (1894-1930) Сонет Мертвы слепцы, не видящие ясно, Что жизнь – лишь путь, неведомый и страшный, Тропа тревог, тропа тоски всегдашней, Где наши чувства над собой не властны.
Мертвы, кто не трудился ежечасно, И на развалинах мечты вчерашней Собрав все силы, вновь не строил Башню; Кто не смеялся, не рыдал напрасно.
Пусть, Господи, со мной случится так: Когда умру, позволь мне превратиться В спокойный вечер, в тень его, во мрак.
И саваном, струящимся окрест, Овею остывающие лица Достойно несших свой нелёгкий крест.
Seamus Heaney Poems 1965-1975 North (1975) Bog Queen I lay waiting between turf-face and demesne wall, between heathery levels and glass-toothed stone.
My body was braille for the creeping influences: dawn suns groped over my head and cooled at my feet,
through my fabrics and skins the seeps of winter digested me, the illiterate roots
pondered and died in the cavings of stomach and socket. I lay waiting
on the gravel bottom, my brain darkening, a jar of spawn fermenting underground
dreams of Baltic amber. Bruised berries under my nails, the vital hoard reducing in the crock of the pelvis.
My diadem grew carious, gemstones dropped in the peat floe like the bearings of history.
My sash was a black glacier wrinkling, dyed weaves and phoenician stitchwork retted on my breasts'
soft moraines. I knew winter cold like the nuzzle of fjords at my thighs–
Florbela Espanca Conto De Fadas читать дальшеEu trago-te nas mãos o esquecimento Das horas más que tens vivido, Amor! E para as tuas chagas o ungüento Com que sarei a minha própria dor.
Os meus gestos são ondas de Sorrento... Trago no nome as letras duma flor... Foi dos meus olhos garços que um pintor Tirou a luz para pintar o vento...
Dou-te o que tenho: o astro que dormita, O manto dos crepúsculos da tarde, O sol que é de oiro, a onda que palpita.
Dou-te, comigo, o mundo que Deus fez! Eu sou Aquela de quem tens saudade, A princesa de conto: "Era uma vez..."
Флорбела Эшпанка (1894-1930) Сказка о волшебницах Ты видишь, я несу тебе, любимый, Забвение страдания и зла, Смягчаю раны боль неисцелимой, Как собственную боль я уняла.
Цветком зовусь, а взор неутолимый Зеленоватых глаз моих дала Художнику, чьи краски – свет и мгла – Раскрасить ветер, пО миру гонимый.
Дарю тебе владения мои: Жар солнца, звёздный шлейф, летящий мимо, Трепещущие на волне буи...
Со мной дарю мир света и тепла. Я – сказка, я – тоска твоя, любимый, Принцесса из мечты: «Жила, была...»
Seamus Heaney Poems 1965-1975 North (1975) Funeral Rites I I shouldered a kind of manhood stepping in to lift the coffins of dead relations. They had been laid out
in tainted rooms, their eyelids glistening, their dough-white hands shackled in rosary beads.
Their puffed knuckles had unwrinkled, the nails were darkened, the wrists obediently sloped.
читать дальшеThe dulse-brown shroud, the quilted satin cribs: I knelt courteously admiting it all
as wax melted down and veined the candles, the flames hovering to the women hovering behind me. And always, in a corner, the coffin lid, its nail-heads dressed
with little gleaming crosses. Dear soapstone masks, kissing their igloo brows had to suffice
before the nails were sunk and the black glacier of each funeral pushed away.
II Now as news comes in of each neighbourly murder we pine for ceremony, customary rhythms:
the temperate footsteps of a cortège, winding past each blinded home. I would restore
the great chambers of Boyne, prepare a sepulchre under the cupmarked stones. Out of side-streets and bye-roads
purring family cars nose into line, the whole country tunes to the muffled drumming
of ten thousand engines. Somnambulant women, left behind, move through emptied kitchens
imagining our slow triumph towards the mounds. Quiet as a serpent in its grassy boulevard
the procession drags its tail out of the Gap of the North as its head already enters the megalithic doorway.
III When they have put the stone back in its mouth we will drive north again past Strang and Carling fjords
the cud of memory allayed for once, arbitration of the feud placated, imagining those under the hill
disposed like Gunnar who lay beautiful inside his burial mound, though dead by violence
and unavenged. men said that he was chanting verses about honour and that four lights burned
in corners of the chamber: which opened then, as he turned with a joyful face to look at the moon.