"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Ли Токхён (1561-1613) Кругла луна, В лазурной пустоте висит, Ветрами, инеем измучена она, Вот-вот сорвется вниз с небесной выси. Но и теперь, хмельного гостя ради, Льет мерно свет на золотую чарку.
Su Tung P'o (Su Shih; Zizhan) The Purple Peach Tree Timidly, still half asleep, it has blossomed. Afraid of the teeth of the frost, it was late this year. Now its crimson mixes with the Brilliance of the cherries and apricots. Unique, it is more beautiful than snow and hoar frost. Under the cold, its heart awoke to the Spring season. Full of wine, sprawling on the alabaster table, I dream of the ancient poet who could not distinguish The peach, the cherry and the apricot, except by their Green leaves and dark branches.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Ким Квенпхиль (1454-1504) К соломенной шляпе я плащ прицепил, Пусть дождь моросит — я с мотыгой в руках, Покопался немного на поле в горах, Под сенью листвы меня сон охватил. Что скажшь о гнавших овец пастушках — Меня, задремавшего, шум разбудил!
Su Tung P'o (Su Shih; Zizhan) To a Traveller Last year when I accompanied you As far as the Yang Chou Gate, The snow was flying, like white willow cotton. This year, Spring has come again, And the willow cotton is like snow. But you have not come back. Alone before the open window, I raise my wine cup to the shining moon. The wind, moist with evening dew, Blows the gauze curtains. Maybe Chang-O the moon goddess, Will pity this single swallow* And join us together with the cord of light That riches beneath the painted eaves of your home.
(from "One Hundred Poems from the Chinese)
transl. by Kenneth Rexroth
*Joined swallows, flying with one wing in common, are a symbol of steadfast love.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Юн Сун (1680-1741) Мой дом укрыт в глубинах Пэкхансана, Никто меня в глуши искать не станет. Ко мне приходит в гости чистый ветер, И с ясною луной делю я чашку. А у жилища моего журавль танцует, И понимаю я: мои друзья — они.
Su Tung P'o (Su Shih; Zizhan) A Walk in the Country The spring wind raises fine dust from the road. Everybody is out, enjoying the new leaves. Strollers are drinking in the inns along the way. Cart wheels roll over the young grass. The whole town has gone to the suburbs. Children scamper everywhere and shout to the skies. Songs and drum beats scare the hills And make the leaves tremble on the trees. Picnic baskets and jugs litter the fields And put the crows and kites to flight. Who is that fellow who has gathered a crowd? He says he is a Taoist monk. He is selling charms to the passerby. He shouts, waves his hands, rolls his eyes. "If you raise silk, these will Grow cocoons as big as pitchers. If you raise stock, these will Make the sheep as big as elks." Nobody really believes him. It is spirit of spring in him they are buying. As soon as he has enough money He will go fill himself with wine And fall down drunk, Overcome by the magic of his own charms.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Неизвестный автор Ночь глубока и близко третья стража, Шумит в павлониях ненастный ливень. Одолевают мысли, лишь ворочаюсь всю ночь. От стрекота сверчка, что в спальне для супругов, Да крика дикого гуся, что в синем небе, Мне не уснуть до самого утра. Эй, гусь, зачем кричишь, себе взяв в пару Бескрйние людские размышленья! Истлели все излучины печенки*, Как все же тягостно не спать в такую ночь!
пер. А. А. Гурьева
*Традиционно на Дальнем Востоке печень мыслилась органом чувств.
Su Tung P'o (Su Shih; Zizhan) The Last Day of the Year The year about to end Is like a snake creeping in a field. You have no sooner seen it Than it has half disappeared. It is gone and its trouble is gone with it. It would be worse if you could catch it by its tail. Why bother to try when it will do you no good? The children are awake, they can't sleep. They sit up all night laughing and chattering. The cocks do not cry to announce the sawn. The watch do not beat on their drums. Everybody stays up while the lamps burn low, And goes out to watch the stars fade and set. I hope next year will be better than last. But I know it will be just the Same old mistakes and mischances. Maybe I will have accomplished More next New Year's Eve. I should. I am still young and full of confidence.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Неизвестный автор — Наполни чашку, до краев наполни! Ты зачерпни вина в черпак из тыквы И лей до края в чашку из стекла. — Видать, на короб для бумаг за домом Присел в какой-то миг какой-то дух И, выпив половину, улетел он, Вот и осталась только половина чашки. Ведь и в лазурном небе круглая луна Умегьшилась как раз наполовину, Видать, Тай-бо*, ожив, сюда спустился И посохом своим — трах-бах — ударил Да пол-луны отбил — остался полумесяц. — Что ж, у меня нет дел, а коли дела нет, Я прихвачу с собой вино и полумесяц, Возбму с собой я милую, а остальное — брошк, С ней буду наслаждаться я луной и долгим хмелем.
Su Tung P'o (Su Shih; Zizhan) The Terrace in the Snow In the golden twilight the rain Was like silk threads. During the night It cleared. The wind fell. It grew Colder. My covers felt damp And cold. Without my knowing it, The snow had drifted into The room like heaps of salt. At The fifth watch, in the first flush Of dawn, I close the curtain Of the study. During the Rest of night I listen To the ice, warping the colored Tiles of the roof. In the morning I sweep the Northern terrace And look out at Saddle peak. It is clear of clouds and I Can see both summits. Above The village in the morning Sunlight crows begin to circle. The mud of the streets is covered With white. No cart track has marked it. Ice has turned the shop roofs to White jade. Snow has filled the doorways With rice. The last cicadas Have long since gone to earth. Now They will have to dig a thousand Feet deeper. Some clouds pile up, The color of dried moss. My Chest bothers me again. I feel I have lost the Ability to write. The icicles on the caves Drone in the wind like the swords Of murderers.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Ли Хёебо (1467-1555) Можно говорить: "Вернусь! Вернусь!", Но это лишь слова — нет тех, кто возвратился. Поля, сады — полны очарованья, Так как же я могу не ехать к ним? Ведь чистый ветер вместе с ясною луной Меня заждались в хижине из трав *
пер. А. А. Гурьева
*Сичжо написано по мотивам цикла произведений китайского поэта-отшельника Тао Юань-мина (365-427) "Возвратился к садам и полям"
Su Tung P'o (Su Shih; Zizhan) At Gold Hill Monastery My native land is up there, Far away, near the head of The river. Just a wandering Bureaucrat, I have been sent To the spot where the river Enters the sea. I have heard That here, ten feet deep in the Salt marsh, you can find traces Of the sand, still cold, wich bubbled Up in the Chong Ling spring high In the rocky plateau by The Southern Trail. I have come Here, following the currents And waves. Now, high in the tower, I overlook the whole countryside. South of the river, north of The river, the blue mountains Are without number. The beauty Of the evening cannot Overcome my sorrow. I Reenter my rowboat to Return. The monks, in their lonely Monastery, sit watching The setting sun. The gentle breeze, Over ten thousand acres, Makes a fine brocade of the Waters. In the last rays of The twilight the schools of fish Flicker in the water. читать дальшеAt this moment, out of the River, the material Soul of the moon is born. Later, after the seconf Watch, after the moon has set, The heavens are left in profound Blackness. Then in the heart of The river, the basket torches Of the fishermen gleam. Their Lights come and go, shining against The sky, and frightening the birds Asleep on the water. I Try to sleep, but my heart is Troubled, my minf is distracted. Neither men nor ghosts come here. What is it then? Has the spirit Of the river shown me a Vision to warm me? Since the River mouth and the islands Affect me so, I will not come Again to this monastery. I thank the spirit of the river, But what good has it done? Just as its waters cannot Return to their source, si I can Never return to my native land.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Чан Ман (1566-1629) Ли Онги (1640-?) Волн лазурных лодочник страшился, Продал лодку и купил себе коня, Да извилисты дороги на земле — Оказались водного пути труднее. Не плавает он больше и не ездит, Лишь землю пашет он и тем доволен.
Su Tung P'o (Su Shih; Zizhan) The Red Cliff* The River flows to the East. Its waves have washed away all The heroes of history. To the West of the ancient Wall you enter the Red Gorge Of Chu Ko Liang of the Days of the Three Kingdoms. The Jagged peaks pierce the heavens. The furious rapids beat At the boat, and dash up in A thousand clouds of spray like Snow. Mountain and river have Often been painted, in the Memory of the heroes Of those days. I remember Long ago, Kung Ch'in newly Married to the beautiful Chiao-Siao, shining in splendor, A young warrior, and the other Chu Ko Liang, in his blue cap, Waving his horsetail duster, Smiling and chatting as he Burned the navy of Ts'ao Ts'ao. Their ashes were scattered to The four winds. They vanished away. In smoke. I like to dream of Those dead kingdoms. Let people Laugh at my prematurely Grey hair. My answer is A wine cup, full of the Moon drowned in the River.
(from "One Hundred Poems from the Chinese)
transl. by Kenneth Rexroth
*The cliff was very famous. It was supposed to have be reddened by fireboats which destroyed the river bavy of Ts'ao Ts'ao, the villain of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The episode is a great favorite in the Chinese theater.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Ян Саон (1517-1584) Пусть говорят, что высока гора Тайшань*, Но и она никак не выше неба, И если подниматься вновь и вновь, Вершины, безусловно, ты достигнешь. А люди не пытаются подняться И только сетуют, что высока гора.
Ou yang Xiu When the Moon is in the River of Heaven The frail branches of the arbor Shelter the roses from the gusts of the East Wind. Enveloped in a cloud of perfume Filled with drops of dew. For whom are they so seductive? It is only to provoke the fragile Butterflies and the irascible bees? My heart swollen with sentimentality, I wander in this pleasure garden. And then my drunkenness wears off, My pleasure goes and soes not return. The moon, sad enough to tear the bowels, Sinks to the horizon, and suddenly The Spring has grown old
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Мать Чон Мончжу Не лети туда ты, цапля, Где вороны подралИсь, Белоснежным твоим перьям Позавидуют они, — Тело, что в реке омыто, Запятняют, я боюсь.
пер. А. А. Гурьева
Это одно из самых знаменитых сичжо было написано матерью литератора и государственного деятеля Чон Мончжу (1338-1392)
Ou yang Xiu Spring Walk to the Pavilion of Good Crops and Peace The trees are brilliant with flowers And the hills are green. The sun is about to set. Over the immense plain A green carpet of grass Stretches to infinity. The passerby do not care That the spring is about to end. Carelessly they come and go Before the pavilion, Trampling the fallen flowers.
"Песни великого спокойствия при южном ветре" Сичжо Неизвестный автор Когда взойдет луна, уходит лодка, Я уезжаю — а когда вернусь? Пусть унесут тебя потоки волн лазурных, Но главное — назад вернуться вновь. Скрип якоря, что поднимают пред дорогой, Мне надрывает душу и лишает сна.
Ou yang Xiu Fisherman The wind blows the line out from his fishing pole. In a straw hat and grass cape the fisherman Is invisible in the long reeds. In the fine spring rain it is impossible to see very far And the mist rising from the water his hidden the hills.