
Emily Dickinson
Complete Poems. 1924.
Part One: Life

Drowning is not so pitiful
As the attempt to rise.
Three times, ’t is said, a sinking man
Comes up to face the skies,
And then declines forever
To that abhorred abode

Where hope and he part company,—
For he is grasped of God.
The Maker’s cordial visage,
However good to see,
Is shunned, we must admit it,
Like an adversity.

@темы: d, 19, english-american, dickinson, emily


Emily Dickinson
Complete Poems. 1924.
Part One: Life

To venerate the simple days
Which lead the seasons by,
Needs but to remember
That from you or me
They may take the trifle
Termed mortality!

To invest existence with a stately air,
Needs but to remember
That the acorn there
Is the egg of forests
For the upper air!

@темы: d, 19, english-american, dickinson, emily


Осип Мандельштам

Был старик, застенчивый как мальчик,
Неуклюжий, робкий патриарх...
Кто за честь природы фехтовальщик?
Ну, конечно, пламенный Ламарк.

Если все живое лишь помарка
За короткий выморочный день,
На подвижной лестнице Ламарка
Я займу последнюю ступень.

К кольчецам спущусь и к усоногим,
Прошуршав средь ящериц и змей,
По упругим сходням, по излогам
Сокращусь, исчезну, как Протей.

Роговую мантию надену,
От горячей крови откажусь,
Обрасту присосками и в пену
Океана завитком вопьюсь.

Мы прошли разряды насекомых
С наливными рюмочками глаз.
Он сказал: природа вся в разломах,
Зренья нет — ты зришь в последний раз.

Он сказал: довольно полнозвучья, —
Ты напрасно Моцарта любил:
Наступает глухота паучья,
Здесь провал сильнее наших сил.

И от нас природа отступила —
Так, как будто мы ей не нужны,
И продольный мозг она вложила,
Словно шпагу, в темные ножны.

И подъемный мост она забыла,
Опоздала опустить для тех,
У кого зеленая могила,
Красное дыханье, гибкий смех...

@темы: 18, л, russian, м, 20, 19, francaise, mandelstam, osip


William Ernest Henley
I.M.: Margaritae Sorori

A late lark twitters from the quiet skies;
And from the west,
Where the sun, his day's work ended,
Lingers as in content,
There falls on the old, gray city
An influence luminous and serene,
A shining peace.
The smoke ascends in a rosy-and-golden haze. The spires
Shine, and are changed. In the valley,
Shadows rise. The lark sings on. The sun,
Closing his benediction,
Sinks, and the darkening air
Thrills with a sense of the triumphing night--
Night with her train of stars
And her great gift of sleep.
So be my passing!
My task accomplished and the long day done,
My wages taken, and in my heart
Some late lark singing,
Let me be gathered to the quiet west,
The sundown splendid and serene,

@темы: h, 19, english-british


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1962-1963

Tot ist alles*. Alles tot.
Und das Aug ist augelaufen, Augen, seid ihr ausgelaufen,

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1962-1963

Dead is everything. Everything is dead. *
And the eye runs, eyes, you run,
all images swimming away,
and ears, now you only hear screams,
birds fall from roof,
all hoses collapse,
planes fall from sky,
heart after heart beats madly,
one after another dies.

So die and do so quietly,
gently and softly,**
don't you see, my friends, don't you see?

читать дальше

transl. by Peter Filkins

* Dead is everything. Everything is dead - почти точная цитата из арии Короля Марка из оперы "Тристан и Изольда", в которой он оплакивает смерть Тристана

Tot denn alles! by Matti Salminen

**Mild und Leise, Gently and Softly are the opening words to Isolde's final monologue before she expires over the body of Tristan in Wagner's opera.
помимо цитат из предсмертной арии Изольды, Liebestod, есть дополнительные аллюзии на всю оперу "Тристан и Изольда"

Liebestod sung by Waltraud Meier

@темы: music, youtube, b, w, 20, 19, deutsche, tristan und isolde, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1962-1963
Habet acht*

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1962-1963
Watch Out*

Let me die.
Playing cards at night
is not for me,
nor is chatting,
sitting in houses
with friends. Don't you sense
it, my friends, don't you see?

Watch out, the day
will come again. Suffer
no more as just anyone
would suffer, yet still make sure
to watch out.

Gently and softly, ------
no one, gently and softly
it happens, my friends,
don't you see? So much time
has already passed, and yet
the time does not disappear.

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*Habet acht, Watch Out стихотворение содержит цитаты и аллюзии на оперу "Тристан и Изольда": на предсмертную арию Изольды, Liebestod (Mild und Leise); а еще название является прямой цитатой из реплик Брангене, служанки Изольды, из второго акта оперы, в которых она предупреждает Тристана и Изольду о приближении рассвета, о том, что время на их встречу на исходе.
Laßt mich sterben (Let me die) - реплики Тристана и Изольды из второго акта, в котором они решают предпочесть смерть жизни.

Liebestod singed by Waltraud Meier

@темы: music, youtube, b, w, 20, 19, deutsche, tristan und isolde, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1962-1963

Tot is alles, alles tot.
Gerichtet ist jeder Ort, jeder Gegenstand, jedes halbflügge gefühl,
das mich vermisst und mir nicht mehr
Rechnung trägt. Ich habe mich eingeschrieben in dich für Lebzeiten
das ist nicht auszutragen,

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1962-1963
Consolation Aria

Dead is everything, everything dead.*
Condemned is each place, each thing, each half-baked feeling
that passes by me and which I no longer
take into account. I have registered for a life sentence with you
that cannot be carried out.

transl. by Peter Filkins

* Dead is everything. Everything is dead - почти точная цитата из арии Короля Марка из оперы "Тристан и Изольда", в которой он оплакивает смерть Тристана

Tot denn alles! by Matti Salminen

@темы: music, youtube, b, w, 20, 19, deutsche, tristan und isolde, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1962-1963
Mild und Leise*

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1962-1963
Gently and Softly*

Dead is everything. Everything is dead.**
And in my silver bread basket
the poisoned slice of apple which would not
go down gets moldy.

On my plates, whoever eats from them
must also lay down the remains
of the noose that was strung for me.
In my bed, whoever lies in it
must each night rustle the notes
that I have sown.

How small is my presence! Only
in distant objects do I still exist,
in lamps, in light
by which I illuminate and give meaning:

all the blood, so much blood that
has flowed. My murderers.

transl. by Peter Filkins

*Mild und Leise, Gently and Softly are the opening words to Isolde's final monologue before she expires over the body of Tristan in Wagner's opera.
помимо цитат из предсмертной арии Изольды, Liebestod, есть дополнительные аллюзии на всю оперу "Тристан и Изольда"

Liebestod singed by Waltraud Meier

** Dead is everything. Everything is dead - почти точная цитата из арии Короля Марка из оперы "Тристан и Изольда", в которой он оплакивает смерть Тристана

Tot denn alles! by Matti Salminen

@темы: music, youtube, b, w, 20, 19, deutsche, tristan und isolde, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1962-1963
Mild und Leise*

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1962-1963
Gently and Softly*

When it starts
it starts gently and softly.

Don't you see, my friends, don't
you see? For

who wants to live
when he has no
breath, the black
sail always hoisted.

Who wants to live
when he has no breath,
the black sail always hoisted,
the day only a night,
the night only a day,
when everything goes and
nothing more comes and
never will come again.

During the day, the desolation
so loved, so hated.

transl. by Peter Filkins

*Mild und Leise, Gently and Softly are the opening words to Isolde's final monologue before she expires over the body of Tristan in Wagner's opera.
помимо цитат из предсмертной арии Изольды, Liebestod, есть дополнительные аллюзии на всю оперу "Тристан и Изольда"

Liebestod singed by Waltraud Meier

@темы: music, youtube, b, w, 20, 19, deutsche, tristan und isolde, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1962-1963
Mild und Leise*

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1962-1963
Gently and Softly*

One more night, the one before the last.
With another breath that comes faster
than breath.

Don't you see it, my friends, don't you see?
How the eyes, how the breath, don't you
feel and see, no longer look,
they having already strangled, already
harnessed me, and in the harness one doesn't
hear the fool's bells since this is not
the time for that like it once was,
and the mouth, ripped at the cheeks
with all the apparatus, measured, lit up,
a sсript written upon me, which
reads: drag across the ground,
no content.

transl. by Peter Filkins

*Mild und Leise, Gently and Softly are the opening words to Isolde's final monologue before she expires over the body of Tristan in Wagner's opera.
помимо цитат из предсмертной арии Изольды, Liebestod, есть дополнительные аллюзии на всю оперу "Тристан и Изольда"

Liebestod singed by Waltraud Meier

@темы: music, youtube, b, w, 20, 19, deutsche, tristan und isolde, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg


Ingeborg Bachmann
Gedichte 1962-1963
Die folter

Ingeborg Bachmann
The Collected Poems
Poems 1962-1963
The Torture

Who is eating with my spoon,
who is lying in my bed,
who spends my pound,
who loves, who suns herseld
under my sun?
It's far away.
In fact I
am where I
cannot me.
Oh he can stand it, who
for a moment that seemed
like a year did not
love me, he can stand it,
my friends,*
don't you see?*
I have begun
to dig my grave,
also scratching my names
into this paper and
thinking I only want to rest
but never will, that I will never
find peace, that it
will last, this iron in my gut, this fist upon
the skull, this whip
upon the back, causing,
the Kurfürstendamm
to break out in shrill
laughter, howling from
a thousand billboards that hot coffee
is poured onto my hand,
that my skin
is ripped off, that my
flesh is cut,
my bones broken,
and me entombed,
a small shark slicing by,
me jumping onto the water,
he eating me as I am
eaten by a larger shark,
a predator called pain.
And I rock back and forth,
not understanding, my head
bent over this. There below
is a ship that sails.*
I see it. Do you see it, my friends?*

transl. by Peter Filkins

* аллюзии на оперу Вагнера "Тристан и Изольда", в частности на предсмертную арию Изольды, Liebestod

@темы: music, links, b, w, 20, 19, deutsche, citatus, tristan und isolde, deutsche-oesterreichisch, bachmann, ingeborg